Kae's Journey

My Online Business Adventures


2024 Goals First Edition

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Been thinking a lot about my goals for 2024.  I seem to have a bunch of half formed goals and a lot of daily and weekly goals both personally and for my online business, but at the end of the day, I believe that achieving my online goals will help me with all of them.

I am in this online business for the long haul, meaning I don’t expect to make a big income in the near future, but I do expect to start making an income during 2024 and then continue to build upon that.  My first goal for this year is to earn the ‘start up’ costs of doing this business so far and I believe that is very doable.  Of course, I am not limiting my goal to just that, but to at least that.

My second goal is learning and using two social platforms in 2024 and learning everything I can in how they work.   Probably sounds easy, but for me, this is a big one.   This social media, online stuff doesn’t come easy to me and has been quite challenging, but surprisingly, I have enjoyed learning even when it frustrates me to no end.  This Granma is teachable!

Not a big list of goals and the neat thing about goals is that you can add to them or tweak them as you go, but I think these will work.   Like I mentioned, these will help me achieve my business goals of earning an income that will allow me to retire from my day job in 2025, and personally allowing me to spend precious time with my family and animals.

This is truly a journey and an adventure and sometimes it overwhelms me with both its intensity and its potential but I have discovered that I am capable and up for the challenge.  Along the way, I want to help others achieve their dreams through internet marketing as well and I know I have a lot to offer.

So here are my 2024 goals and intentions, I hope you will share this journey with me and we can learn along the way.

Have the best day!





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