Kae's Journey

My Online Business Adventures


Baby Steps

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End of another good week.  I didn’t get as much done as I had wanted, had a few technical things to work through and get a little assist.  It is so important to ask those questions, even when you are pretty sure they are an easy fix.  I did that this week.  I got stuck in a spot, went over it, re-watched a bunch of tutorials and just couldn’t figure out what to do to fix it, but I knew it would be a quick fix.  Turns out I didn’t have my media switched on…well, I didn’t see it and maybe I was looking too hard.  It was probably right in front of me.  In my defense, sometimes it is because I don’t really know what I am looking for as this is all truly new stuff for me.  At the same time I am so grateful for the availability of help and so proud of myself for getting this far.  Not kidding when I say I am new to this tech stuff, total newbie, but I am hanging in there.  Every week I get a little bit more done and I understand a lot more.  Baby steps, baby steps…

Dean talked about using video as a tool and while it scares me, I certainly see the value in it and I am planning to push myself into using it in the very near future.  There are all kinds of reasons to scare me away, but at the end of the day, this is my business and I want to do the best I can, so I am going to face my silly insecurities and practice a bit and then just put one out there.  The first one will be the hardest, just like everything else.  Baby steps.

It is still a daily chore to keep focused but this is also getting a bit easier, shiny balls and rabbit holes everywhere, lol!  For me, I am finding when I plan 2 or 3 days in advance rather than a week at a time, for working on my business, I tend to get further as I feel more successful.  Then I plan the next couple of days out.  If I plan too many days, it is easier to deviate, don’t really know why that is, but for me that is the case.  It might be the same for others, so it might be worth looking at.  Eventually I will plan out weeks and further out, but breaking it down into smaller segments gives me more frequent successes, more often.

I am still fretting over which platform to use, but I know I have to just pick one and I think I will start on FB as I am a regular stalker on it and it seems familiar to me but I am really intrigued with TikTok.

That’s all for now!

Have a great week and talk again soon!



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