Kae's Journey

My Online Business Adventures


Interesting Week #4

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Interesting week for me and my little business.  Got up early on Weds morning to listen to the Q & A session.  I was so proud of myself for making yet another coaching event.  Signed on a bit early and waited, waited, and waited a while longer and finally realized, I got the time wrong, so I missed out entirely.  Will catch up this weekend, but darn… (laughing at myself)

Then today for the Friday coaching, I had the time right and I was ready.  Evidently, I was the only one ready at my end.  My internet was wildly ‘unstable’ and my brand new computer decided that the sound just didn’t need to work at all.  So I put the event on my phone so I could hear it, then I could watch and hear, but from different devices…getting pretty good at all of this technical stuff, right?!  Then my internet decides that it had done enough and went dark.  That was the end of my event this morning.  Will need to watch this as well on the weekend.

When I got home this evening, I started trying to figure out what was going on with my new computer.  It took about 30 minutes to finally get it done, seems my new computer needed 2 critical driver updates, whatever they are.  My question is, if this is new computer, why were those missing? Anyway, I didn’t give up, I got through this little challenge and six months ago I would have been totally confused and lost.  Progress.

The internet service itself may be a bigger issue, due to the very rural area I live in.  (A foot of snow fell over the last 24 hours and perhaps that had something to do with the failed internet this morning.)   I may have to access most of the training from recordings, but I will contact the provider early next week to see if there is a way to fix this.

While this isn’t exactly all about affiliate marketing, other stuff happens during the process, such as these little side trips with other technical, ‘internety’ things.  Pretty proud of myself for not giving up.  I didn’t even have to ask my grandson for help today.

So, all things considered, this was a good week.   I kept going in spite of lots of things not working correctly, again, progress.

Getting excited to put this all together soon!

Have a wonderful day!


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