Time and Effort
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Here’s the deal, beginning any business takes a lot of effort and a ton of time. It is no different with online marketing. It takes an immense amount of time to learn all the parts and pieces and there are a lot of things to learn. I have mentioned before that I am definitely a Baby Boomer and any of this computer/tech stuff is like being dropped in another country and not knowing the language. But here’s what is happening, I am actually learning how to do some pretty cool stuff, like this blog. I also have my ‘own’ owned asset, ‘kaeward.com‘, and I’m learning how to incorporate WordPress, and linking things together. Still working on all of this, but I’m getting there.
Never would I have thought this was going to happen, but it is. Still struggle with learning the lingo. One of my issues is asking for help and I get hung up in the wording because I don’t exactly understand what terms to use to describe my issues, so I go back over the tutorials and eventually either figure it out OR I ask what I can and hope I give enough info that tech support can figure it out regardless of my limited tech vocabulary. So far, so good, and it is about 50/50 between the 2. Truth be told, it is so much easier to ask from help sooner, but evidently, I am still struggling with that, lol!
I truly struggle getting the time to participate with the ‘live’ events, which I love, to watch the tutorials, go back and apply what I just learned, work on my site, content, figure out what I am actually doing, plus work my day job and all the rest of my daily commitments. I figure, this will be the hardest part of the endeavor. Once I get reasonably lined out, I do believe it will start to become easier and easier.
In my younger life, I was quite the equestrian and participated in several disciplines and training. One of my mantras with horses and related instruction, is that ‘it takes the time it takes.’ That certainly applies here as well.
So, I remind myself, it will happen, just remember that it get easier and I just need to keep moving forward.
Have the most wonderful day!
Kae 🙂
Kae, I love your saying, “‘it takes the time it takes.” The other day I fell into the trap of comparing myself to others and felt like I was so far behind. I started to get down and feel overwhelmed. Then I reminded myself that it’s great others are ahead of me, I can learn from them, and it doesn’t matter if it takes me 6 months or 4 years to be successful, as long as I get there! Go at your own pace; just never give up!
Kae, I love that phrase! It takes the time it takes.
I’m writing that down!
I don’t know why it’s comforting, but it really is!
Best of luck to you in the coming week!
Nakina Lawson recently posted…A Plan Plus Action Equals Success
I am a baby boomer, too. I can grasp technology but in all honesty, I needed and still need a lot of technical support for the set up strategies. I inadvertently turned off one of the widgets and turned off my
Optin page, in the process. But that was only a set back of about a day. Every day I make an effort. I like the idea of setting up different tasks for everyday of the week. I started configuring that right away!!
Hi Kae,
The fact that you are learning and taking action is a massive success… CONGRATULATIONS!
Most people would give up by now. The fact that you learning how to use WordPress is awesome, love it. KEEP IT UP!
Hi Kae,
Congratulation for what you have achieved so far, despite the challenges. You should celebrate and give yourself a pat on the back.
Fortunately, a lot of the technical stuffs only need to be done once. So that should give you some relief. All the best and have a great day!
Alan Lim recently posted…Email Marketers Beware: The Dos and Don’ts of Email Marketing In 2024
Kae, thanks for this. I think when it comes to asking questions I can offer you to pieces of advice. Firstly, make sure you ask it even if you feel like you can’t get it across properly or you’re just nervous or whatever it is just ask, there’s always somebody that will help and answer your question. Secondly, if you’re not sure how to word it rather than asking a question, just write a statement of what you want to be able to do. Instead of asking a technical question, that’s complicated just say I want to be able to do ……. how can I do that? I think this may help let me know how you get on. Thanks, Atif
Atif Perwiz recently posted…The benefits of successful behaviours in Affiliate Marketing
Thank you Atif. I just in fact did exactly that. And you are so right in that there is someone to answer. It is a little nervousness and a lot of frustration, but I have no intention of quitting, so I need to get this done and ask sooner! I am following you, as best I can and I like what you are doing. Is your TikTok under your name or ? Have a good day and thank you for your sound advice.
I’m a Baby Boomer here, too. I have been very lucky that computer technology has always fascinated me. While raising my son (who is now 38) and growing up learning about technological advances, I, too, learned with him. Boy, am I glad I did. Great blog post, and kudos for being so honest about your journey. You can do this—we all can!
Vanessa Lea recently posted…I Am New to All This … Where Do I Begin?
Nice to here from another Boomer! I am enjoying the learning, wish it were a little easier, but I am getting there!
Hi Kae, I’m not a baby boomer but I saw the rising of the personal computer, particularly in the 80’s. Despite this, and even being an electronics engineer, I must admit that software technologies have easily overpassed me. I can tell you that struggling with technology is absolutely normal. Asking for help is indeed necessary to go forward. However this post proves your are doing very well.
Keep on with your struggle, Kae. I’m a boomer too, but I was lucky enough to get involved with what were then known as mini-computers from the early eighties onward. Even then, I struggled when Windows became the operating system of choice in the mid-nineties. I have my own problems in other areas, but I am going to struggle on to overcome them. Everybody has their own problems to overcome in different aspects of what we are all trying to achieve, so let’s hope we can combine our talents in different areas, to overcome all of our problems in all areas. Everybody in this great group will have something that they can contribute to our combined body of knowledge.
It is a struggle for sure, but I’m game if a little slower. I believe that once ‘I get this’, it will be much smoother.
Thank you for the words of encouragement!
Hi Kae,
I think you’re doing great and you’re continuing through and figuring it out with the resources and people you have to help! As Dean says best to “take fast, imperfect action”, doesn’t have to be perfect but will improve as you go. Thinking “it takes the time it takes” is awesome! I used to have one I used when I worked in landscaping and was always overwhelmed, “Do what you can, and leave the rest”. It’s the wisdom one of the elder landlords shared with me. These thoughts really help us get through!
Thanks Denny. I like the ;take fast, imperfect action!” Honestly a little scary, but I get it, so I am headed that direction, every day is a little more!
Thank you for your support!
It can be a struggle to ask for help. I know it was for me for a long time. I had to learn it the hard way. When my heath took a turn for the worst I had no choose but to ask for help. I didn’t like having to at first but finally learned the power of reaching out to others for assistance.
Now, I don’t hesitate to ask and it has fuel my growth a much faster pace than when I wouldn’t ask for help.
Keep pushing through and reaching out and you will see your growth accelerate.
I am learning, bit by bit to ask for help. It is hard to do, but I really dislike wasting all the time I spend trying to figure it out…so, I am going to let it go to ‘help’ sooner! Wish me luck!
Thank you for taking the time to visit with me!
“it takes the time it takes,” is a great mantra. Reminds me of another mantra I learned in the Air Force – “fast is slow, and slow is fast”. The Navy Seals say “slow is smooth and smooth is fast.” Same idea. When we rush, we make mistakes and then it takes even longer. When we stay calm and take the time to do something right, it actually gets done faster.